Sarah Rothenberger is a 2D/3D animator and animation director from Zürich. She is currently a member of SWAN’s Executive Committee.
Having completed her bachelor’s degree in animation from the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, she now works as a director, animator and illustrator in Zurich.
Sarah was interested in art from an early age: her mother is a painter and used to take her to gallery show openings, and always encouraged her to create. While attending the Liceo Artistico, an art-intensive Gymnasium in Zurich, she became interested in Film, which led her to study 2D Animation in Lucerne. During this time, she partook in many workshops and exchange opportunities, ranging from game jams to experimental film courses. She also studied for a semester at The Animation Workshop in Denmark: all these experiences really inspired a passion for collaboration and international exchange.
Her bachelor film, Braises, was co-directed with Estelle Gattlen, with whom she also shares this committee seat. Realizing that they worked extremely well together, they continued to share an atelier space once having finished with their studies. Together with their other atelier-mates, they founded Voilà, a creative collective, in 2021.