
Sound match-making session @ZFF 2020

30 septembre 2020 16h30 – 17h30, Cube Festival Centre

This year, Coronavirus pandemic notwithstanding, SWAN was proud to partner again with Zurich Film Festival, and for the first time with WIFT – Women in Film and Television Germany and SoundTrack_Zurich.

SoundTrack_Zurich is a new Swiss and European film and music conference taking place during Zurich Film Festival. It acts as a networking organization which put together professional composers with international guests of the festival.

On September 30, 2020, a match-making session was held at The Cube. It was intended to link female film composers and sound engineers with other female professionals.

The matchmakers were director Fanny Bräuning, PR Valerie Dobbelaere, music supervisor Milena Fessman, actress and director Karin Heberlein, author and director Kristina Shippling, media lawyer Ama Walton, producer and directer Azra Djurdjevic, composer Tina Pepper and singer and composer Olivia Pedroli.



SWAN would like to thank Zurich Film Festival, SoundTrack_Zurich and WIFT Germany for supporting this event.

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